Engeza ku-My Vapes
Ulwazi olubanzi

Ulwazi Lomkhiqizo we-Freemax Marvos X


Usayizi: 137 x 33 x 31mm

Material: plastic

Amandla okuphuma: 5 - 100W

I-Voltage yokufaka: 3.3 - 4.2V

I-Output Voltage: 0.7 - 4.2V

ukumelana: 0.1 - 3Ω

ibhethri: I-Single yangaphandle 18650

Pod Amandla: 2mL


About the Author: Sharon

Yini ekwikhithi?

I-Freemax Marvos X 100W Mod

I-Freemax Marvos CRC Pod 2mL

Ikhoyili ye-MS-D Mesh 0.15Ω

Ikhoyili ye-MS-D Mesh 0.25Ω

Ikhebula le-USB Type-C

Ikhadi Lesexwayiso

Ikhadi Lewaranti

Incwadi Yomsebenzisi



About the Author: Sharon

About the Author: Sharon

Ukubuyekeza kwakamuva

I-Freemax Marvos X pod vape mod

Ukubuyekezwa kwe-Freemax Marvos X 100W Pod Mod: I-Neon Lighting ingenye yohlobo!

Sithathe isikhathi eside sifuna i-pod mod enenani elifanele, elula, futhi enamandla, futhi kungaba ngcono uma iza nedizayini eyingqayizivele enezela injabulo encane ekuvuthweni kwansuku zonke. Ngenhlanhla...

8.7 Great