I-Paris Saint-Germain Imemezela Ukubambisana ne-Leading Vaping Brand Geekvape


NgoJanuwari 2023, iParis Saint-Germain yamemezela ubudlelwano bayo nenkampani edume umhlaba wonke i-vape i-Geekvape, okuwuphawu lwesibili ukuthi la maqembu amabili enza isivumelwano soxhaso.

Njengomholi embonini ye-vape, i-Geekvape iyaqhubeka nokugxila futhi ikhuthaze ngenkuthalo umoya wezemidlalo kuyilapho ihlinzeka ngezinye izindlela ezinempilo kubantu emhlabeni wonke. I-Geekvape yaba nguzakwethu osemthethweni we-Paris Saint-Germain ngo-2021. Lo mfelandawonye unwebe umoya we-"Geek" ngezenzakalo ezimangalisayo ezidonse izethameli zamazwe ngamazwe.

I-CEO ye I-Geekvape Ubuchwepheshe u-Allen Yang uthe: “Ngijabule ngokuthi ukubambisana kwethu kube yimpumelelo ngonyaka odlule, futhi kuyilungelo ukuqhubekisela phambili umoya wezemidlalo enempilo neParis Saint-Germain, onyakeni omusha, ngokuhambisana nokuphishekela kwethu ukwenza kahle kakhulu. nobuhle besizini entsha nejabulisayo.”

“By forming alliances with one of the world’s most successful and greatest football club, I-Geekvape is expanding the scope of sports marketing and driving the vape industry towards new heights. Geekvape intends to capitalize on the enormous popularity of football as a sport in order to spread the love of sport and the concept of health to people throughout the globe”, added Allen Yang, the CEO of I-Geekvape Ubuchwepheshe. Abadlali bebhola abasezingeni lomhlaba abafana no-Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappé kanye no-Neymar Jr. badlalela i-Paris Saint-Germain, isimo sayo sokusubatha esisezingeni eliphezulu nesifiso sokuphushela phezulu siqondaniswe ne-Geekvape ethos.

Esikhathini esizayo, amaqembu amabili azoqhubeka nokusebenza ndawonye ukuze ahumushe amandla okuhlola "Geek", asebenze ndawonye ukuze akhe uxhumano oluqinile nabalandeli emhlabeni wonke, kuyilapho ngesikhathi esifanayo, ukuthumela umlayezo obalulekile emhlabeni ukuthi kukhona. amathuba amaningi emkhakheni wokumaketha kwezemidlalo.

About the Author: izinyanga

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