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[Okusha Kakhulu Ka-2021] Ukubuyekezwa kwe-Hemp Bombs CBD


Indaba Yomkhiqizo Wamabhomu E-Hemp

I-Hemp Bombs, inkampani eseTampa, yethule umkhiqizo wayo wokuqala we-CBD ngo-2016 futhi yathola ukuduma ngokushesha. Basebenza ngokukhethekile emikhiqizweni ye-CBD, i-hemp yezimboni, ihlinzeka ngokupakisha nokuthunyelwa kulabo abadinga ukunambitheka kokuphumula okuphelele. Imikhiqizo yabo eyisakhiwo sodumo ingama-gummies nama-capsules. Namuhla, bathole igama labo ukuthi libe yisinqumo somkhiqizo esidumile kulabo abafuna imikhiqizo ye-CBD ngaphandle I-THC.

Amabhomu eHemp akhiwe ngekhwalithi ephezulu ye-Industrial Hemp. Bazinikele ekunikezeni imikhiqizo yekhwalithi ephezulu. Yonke imikhiqizo ikhiqizwa endlini futhi ihlolwe ngezigaba eziningi. Namuhla sizobuyekeza imigqa engu-8 ye-Hemp Bombs.

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Amafutha

Uwoyela we-Hemp Bombs CBD

Ithathwe kuwoyela wekhwalithi ephezulu we-hemp, i-Hemp Bombs CBD iza nezinongo ezimbili ezahlukene ongazikhetha kukhabe ne-peppermint. Iphinde inikeze izinketho ezi-5 ezihlukene zamandla ukuthuthukisa umuzwa wakho. Amafutha angu-300mg aphansi afaneleka kakhulu kwabaqalayo futhi amafutha aphezulu angu-4000mg anconywa kulabo abaphishekela imithamo ephezulu. Amafutha e-CBD aklanyelwe ukugcina impilo yakho.

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Vape

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Vape

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Capsule

Hemp Bombs CBD Capsule delivers the best intake experience. They are sold in the form of pills. The Hemp Bombs I-CBD Capsule are available in 15mg and 25mg concentrations with different capsule counts. It is recommended for people who don’t enjoy the flavour of the oils and is suggested to take one to two pills per day. It offers an easier access for people to relieve stress, anxiety.

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Lollipops

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Lollipops

I-Hemp Bombs inikezela ngendlela elula nejabulisayo yokuthola amandla e-CBD nsuku zonke. Bakhiqiza futhi bathengise ama-lollipops e-CBD, atholakala ngama-flavour amnandi angu-4 ephaketheni ngalinye. Ngokusho kwesikhulu sayo, ama-suckers e-CBD ngalinye liqukethe ama-25mg we I-CBD futhi ube namandla okunikeza ukuphumula okuzolile kanye nengcindezi nokukhululeka kokukhathazeka nsuku zonke.

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Gummies

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Gummies

I-Hemp Bombs idale izinhlobo ezi-3 zezinsini ze-CBD ezithengiswa kakhulu, okuhlanganisa nezinsini zangempela, izinsini ezinamandla amakhulu nezinsini zokulala. Ama-gummies asekuqaleni nawo ayasiza ekunciphiseni ukucindezeleka, ukuphumula kanye nokukhuthaza inhlalakahle ethuthukisiwe. Ama-gummies okulala asiza ukuxazulula izinkinga zokulala. Ama-gummies anamandla aphezulu aklanyelwe ukukulethela isilinganiso esiphezulu esingu-25mg we-CBD ukuthuthukisa ulwazi lwakho. Ungathola ukukhishwa kwe-Cannabidiol yezinga eliphezulu kuma-gummies e-Hemp Bombs angakusiza uzizwe ukahle futhi uphumule manje.

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Pain Freeze

isithombe 48

I-Pain freze iyisixazululo esiphelele sokupholisa amajaqamba, izinhlungu nezinkinga zamalunga nemisipha. Isebenzisa ifomula ye-top-notch esiza i-CBD ukuthi ingene ku-molecule ngayinye yomzimba wakho ukuze ikusindise emizweni engathandeki. Inani elinamandla le-CBD lihlanganiswe nokwelashwa okubandayo ukuze likunikeze impumuzo ehlala njalo. Esigabeni ngasinye sokuthuthukiswa komkhiqizo, i-Hemp Bombs iqinisekisa i-CBD yezinga eliphezulu, izithako zekhwalithi ephezulu kanye nemikhuba yokukhiqiza eqotho ukuze ukwazi ukwethemba ikhwalithi ye-Hemp Bombs.

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Syrups

I-Hemp Bombs CBD Syrups iwuhlu olusanda kwethulwa lokuletha ukuphumula okuphelele ngaphandle kokuba nemithi yokwelapha engenamsebenzi yokunciphisa ukungezwani noma ukukhathazeka. Ngokusho kwesikhulu salo, isiraphu inothiswe nge-organic hemp kanye nama-flavour emvelo ukuze uzuze kuwo wonke umphumela wawo obalulekile. Zitholakala ku-100mg, 300mg kanye ne-1000mg, ziqinisekisa ukuthathwa okungokwezifiso okuhambisana nezidingo nezintandokazi ezahlukene.

I-Hemp Bombs Max Chill CBD Shot

I-Hemp Bombs Max Chill CBD Shot

Hemp Bombs Max Chill I-CBD Shot features a unique drink designed for avid CBD users to offer complete relaxation even when on-the-go. It is packed with about 75mg of CBD along with a variety of other safe ingredients to feel that much-needed relaxation. The shot also comes with soothing botanicals. The ingredients used in Max Chill CBD Shot includes Passionflower and White Willow Bark. Passionflower is useful for anxiety-relieving properties. White Willow Bark is regarded as a natural aspirin for its pain-relieving properties.

I-Hemp Bombs Izinzuzo Nezingozi


Amabhomu e-Hemp anezinhlobonhlobo zemigqa yomkhiqizo, ahlinzeka ngama-gummies, amaphilisi, amafutha, ama-lollipops kanye nokhilimu. Umugqa ngamunye ufika nama-flavour ahlukahlukene namandla. Benze umsebenzi omuhle wokwenza imikhiqizo ngokuhlukaniswa kwe-CBD. Imikhiqizo ye-Hemp Bombs yonke isetshenziswa i-CBD ehlanzekile, ngakho-ke akudingeki ukhathazeke ngokufaka noma yikuphi I-THC noma ukuthola i-positive positive ekuhlolweni kwakho okuzayo kokuhlolwa kwezidakamizwa.


Basebenzisa i-CBD ihlukanisa esikhundleni se-full-spectrum hemp extracts.

Ukucabanga kokugcina

I-Hemp Bombs ingenye yemikhiqizo ehamba phambili futhi idinga ukunakwa okukhethekile emakethe ye-CBD. Bahlale bezinikezele ekunikezeni izinqubo zokukhiqiza ezingcono kakhulu nezixazululo ezisebenzayo zalabo abazuza ngokuthatha imithamo ephezulu.

Isibuyekezo sami se-Vape
About the Author: Isibuyekezo sami se-Vape


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